Our 2020 -2021 CAD release is out! Our robot “Deadshot”, competed at and won the 2020 Del Mar Regional with teams #2945 the Steel Mustangs, and #6704 Mid Pacific Owl Robotics.
Download Here: https://grabcad.com/library/frc-2020-robot-team-3255-1
"Deadshot's Top Assembly CAD"

Our 2020 Robot Reveal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DREJBifWDFQ&feature=emb_imp_woyt
Robot Info
Del Mar Regional Winner
6 Ball Autonomous
Double Falcon 500 WCD SS gearbox (x2)
6 Wheel West Coast Drivetrain
Chain driven
Limelight vision tracking
Variable degree hooded shooter
180 degree shooter turret
2.25" Ball Compression
Double Neo shooter gearbox 1:1 ratio (5676 RPM)
Consistently shoots from trench run
Detachable hook climber
Planetary gearbox powered hook elevator
Falcon 500 powered climber winch gearbox
Falcon 500 powered Zip Tie intake
Control Panel Spinner
Double roller piston deployed mechanism