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Week 3 | Narrowing it Down

Writer's picture: FRC Team 3255 SuperNURDsFRC Team 3255 SuperNURDs

Updated: Feb 8, 2021

We kicked off our third week by further fleshing out our two game concepts that we began working on last week. During the breakout groups students made sure to make all game components fit together well, and prepared thorough presentations. We then had the two groups present their game concepts to the whole team. After our presentations we analyzed the pros and cons of both games, looking closely at gameplay, field design, narrative, and game simplicity. After discussing the two game concepts very closely we decided to go forward with one of them to use as the base skeleton to develop our final game. To celebrate this landmark decision in our season we held a remote game night where we all played mobile games together!

Minecraft Field Element Prototype

A student in group 2 built a Minecraft prototype of a potential field element. This prototype showcased possible motion and how robots will interact with it on the field.

Special thanks to our sponsor! #Qualcomm #Qualcommforgood


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