We started off Week 4 by deciding on how we would split up the workload of designing our game. After much discussion, we decided we would have 3 different departments, Field Design, Rules/Gameplay, and Branding/Graphics. We then picked which department we would like to work in then split into breakout groups accordingly. This week we decided to focus all of our attention on the Field Design, and Rules/Gameplay Departments, and work on Branding/Graphics later. The business team also began writing the Chairman’s and Woodie Flowers awards. In this week’s department breakout groups, we began laying out our rulebook, thinking of possible strategies and methods of scoring, and began drafting up 2D models of potential field elements. We made great progress in each of our departments and we prepared presentations of what each group did at the end of each meeting. In addition to presentations we held an open Q&A session shortly after each presentation to allow each group to give input on each other’s ideas. The SuperNURDs had a blast this week and can’t wait to see what Week 5 beholds!
Potential Field Element Sketch

Our Version 2 Field Layout
