We kicked off Week 5, by recapping what our team has accomplished so far this season and looked back at our timeline. After finishing their 2D sketches of field elements on paper, the Field Design Department got set up with SOLIDWORKS and GrabCAD to begin creating models of their designs. The Field Design department started off their CAD by converting their paper drawings into 2D SOLIDWORKS sketches to check possible dimensions. From this point they began modeling 3D parts and assemblies to serve as prototypes for potential field elements. The Game Rules Department worked on solidifying rules, drafting out scoring, and began brainstorming possible strategies teams may take while participating in our game. The Game Rules department also discussed potential locations of Game Pieces on the field. The Business team continued writing the Woodie Flower’s, and Chairman’s awards as well. The SuperNURDs accomplished a lot this week and are excited to get back to work next week!
Our Helicopter Field Element Prototype

Our Power Line Field Element 2D Sketch
